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View/Manage Orders

Thank you for visiting our website and purchasing from us. We hope you had a great experience with our products and services. We try our level best to make the buying process easy for our customers.

If you need to manage/view your orders placed on this website, please follow the steps below.

  • For new customers (That haven't placed any orders before)

1. Click the login button (Human Shadow) on the right top corner of your screen (if desktop) or in the "Options" button in the left top corner of your mobile screen.

2. Then click create account and enter the details.

3. Once done, you'll be receiving an email for account confirmation on the email address you used while creating your customer account on the website.

4. Once you've confirmed your email address, you can then make purchases on the website and can manage/view all your orders in the login section.

  • For existing customers (That have placed orders before)

If you need to manage/view an order that you've already placed on our website without having a customer account, you'll have to create a customer account first. Use the same name and email address you entered while placing the order and follow the steps below.

1. Click the login button (Human Shadow) on the right top corner of your screen (if desktop) or in the "Options" button in the left top corner of your mobile screen.

2. Then click create account and enter the details.

3. Once done, you'll be receiving an email for account confirmation on the email address you used while creating your customer account on the website.

4. Once you've confirmed your email address, you can then manage/view all your orders.

If you don't remember your password, simply click "Forgot Password" on the login page and you'll get a password reset mail on your email address.